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Grants available to set up projects in Frome Vale

We are delighted to be awarding £10,000 to fund locally led projects that help energize and strengthen the local community in Frome Vale, in a project in collaboration with Bristol City Council.

The fund will be open to applicants in the area and aims to support local people to start and run groups, events and classes in an aim to create more opportunities in Frome Vale.

We're looking for people who have an idea
that could make a difference in our
community, tackling five main priorities:

•           Isolation of older people

•           Mental health & wellbeing

•           Youth provision (ages 8+)

•           Food projects

•           Cost of living support

Could you teach a class, run a food group, lead wellbeing support groups or bring people together? Do you have a new and exciting idea that can help people in the community? The team are encouraging anyone who has an idea to get involved and apply for a grant, which could support tens of projects to get off the ground!


We want the Grassroots Grants to have a
positive impact on the wellbeing of people in
the Frome Vale community. You could also
consider the Five Ways to Wellbeing in
planning your project: Connect, Keep
learning, Be active, Take notice and Give.

Who is eligible?

  • Individuals with a community-focussed project
  • Un-constituted or constituted resident-led groups
  • Businesses or third sector organisations are not eligible.

Projects must primarily benefit residents of Frome Vale Ward. Projects must contribute to tackling one or more of the priorities listed above (isolation of older people; mental health & wellbeing; youth provision; food provision and cost of living support).

Grants will be awarded by The Frome Vale Grant Committee, which comprises of local residents.


Support we can give you

We can provide support to help you along the way as you to make your idea a reality.

Administration: we can support you with the entire grant process from filling in the forms to helping you record the finances.
Communication: we can support any project with posters, flyers, social media, our website and local media
Capacity: do you need volunteers for your project? We can support you to get the help you need
Future funding: we can help you to secure future funding to keep your project running longer-term
Event space: we have space at Vassall Centre which could be the perfect location for your project or event!

How do I apply?

Apply online: you can apply here using the online form.

The deadline to apply for this grant scheme is 28th July 2023. People can apply for a maximum of £1000 towards their project or event. You can apply on line or can request a physical copy of the application form by emailing [email protected].

Meet us or apply in person

If you've got more questions or you'd like
to apply in a more informal way, the team
would love to meet you for a cuppa and
to go through the application form in
person!  Please contact
[email protected] to arrange

Dan Lewin, Community Development
Practitioner at Bristol City Council can
also support you with your application
and throughout the whole process.
Dan will also be running support sessions
on starting your project - please email him
if you'd like more information.


Frome Vale Grassroots Grants application from
Frome Vale Community Grants - Info Sheet PDF
Frome Vale Grassroots Grants flyer final
Grant Conditions PDF